Harald Braem: The Power of the Colours: Meaning & Symbolism


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  • Verlag: Elvea
  • Seiten: 194
  • ISBN: 978-3946751953

Harald Braem, born in Berlin in 1944. Studies: visual communication, psychology and marketing. Worked with Young & Rubicam in the „purple Milka cow“ team; worked with Compton/Saatchi & Saatchi as a creative director and head of international marketing campaigns. Professor of colour theory and colour psychology at the University of Applied Sciences in Wiesbaden from 1981 to 2000. Member of the expert team in the Federal Association of German psychologists. Lecturer at the Gutshofakademie Frielendorf.Braem contributed to numerous radio and television programmes on the subject (for example Terra X „Die Magie der Farben“, 2015, ZDF).In 2005 the documentary „Farbpsychologie. Entdecken Sie Ihre Wohlfühlumgebung“ (coloury psychology – discover your feel-good setting)by Rainer Wälde won the prestigious World Media Award.For more information see:www.haraldbraem.de